Pythagoras and the School of Harmonics:"Lehrbuch der Harmonik" by Hans Kayser, has been now translated into English. Available at the Sacred Science Institute Website
Science of Peace
TESLA Watch 33 parallels: Tesla and free Energy
Watch this fascinating documentary
with Zecharia Sitchin
Alan Watts talked about Space and Consciousness 50 years ago! A theme that is now becoming popular in Science & Non Duality circles, interviews and articles. Listen to his talk on KPFK (archives) Goto Friday, August 29, 2014 12:00 am and click "Play"
Institute for Noetic Sciences
Check out: Metaphysics - Multiple Meanings
Enneagram, Kabbalah,
Harmonics, Astrology
To discover your Enneagram Personality goto
Interested in Jewish Mysticism? Visit: The Kabbalah Center
Dr. Friedrich Doucet Adler, Freud,Dreams & Archetypes C.G.Jung
One of the most oustanding Astrologers of the 20th Century was Dane Rudyar. He wrote several books on Astrology and also on Harmonics and Music. Our favorite is: The Rebirth of Hindu Music.
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