#1 Earth's Permaculture Resource Backyard of Australian Permaculture Information & Design Services. Permaculture information and resources for community groups and individuals growing natural healthy plants in small balconies, urban backyards and rural acreage.

Ecological Synergy, as the name implies, is ecologically compatible for long-term sustainability in perpetuity, and synergetic in that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Organic farming,
Living Earth,
Living Earth Organic Agriculture

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by Natascha Wilczek
I have been designing and creating jewelry for almost 10 years. My passion for healing and nature inspired the idea to create these one of a kind Himalayan Salt Crystal Pendants for healing and balance. Himalayan Salt Crystal Pendants are a hand crafted, one-of-a kind personal healing tool. The pendants are hand made using an ancient knotting technique called micro-macramé. The Salt Crystals are securely knotted into a bezel made from a very high quality waterproof Brazilian waxed thread that resists sweat and fading from UV rays. The micro-macramé technique eliminates the use of metals and glue around the Salt Crystals. The Pink Himalayan Salt Crystals used to make the pendants are carefully mined by hand from one of the most pristine environments in the world – ancient salt caves that are untouched by pollution deep below the Himalayan Mountains.
Himalayan Salt Crystal Pendants are designed to ground and balance the body's electromagnetic field, central nervous system and meridians. When worn against the skin, the Salt Crystals are slightly warmed by the natural body temperature and emit a neutralizing and healing vibration around the body and its surrounding environment. This results in an over all sense of well-being, relaxation, improved sleep and can also facilitate mild detoxification.
There is an electromagnetic field of vibration that surrounds the Earth. It is known as the Schuman resonance frequency and vibrates at 7.83 Hz (cycles per second). This frequency is the most common vibration found in the natural world - including humans (and salt crystals). Resonance with it creates a general state of health and well-being. Today we are being inundated by artificial vibrations caused by electronic devices such as computers, televisions, cell phones and the like which vibrate much higher than we do (TV's emit 100-160 Hz). These vibrations – call Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) have been proven to promote illness since they constantly overlap our natural frequency (7.83Hz) and imprint their higher frequencies into our electromagnetic fields. The consequence of this continual exposure is interference with our central nervous system. Nervousness, insomnia and lack of concentration or focus are just a few of the effects caused by EMFs. These extreme artificial frequencies also interfere with the natural development of our cells and contribute to the accumulation of free radicals. Read More
Eco Village

The Peyote Foundation

Books on Gardening, crystals and other stones and Minerals, Geology, organic growth, energy find at the NAU-shop
 Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, Basalt, ColoradoÊ-
Permaculture training in the Colorado Rockies or the Bahamas.Also consulting. * Cross Timbers Permaculture InstituteÊ- A non-profit educational institute in Colorado whose mission is to assist in the creation of small sustainable farms, homesteads and urban permaculture gardens.Site has information and links on permaculture.