Every September, various world events focus our thoughts on peace, specifically, the making of it, the wishing for it, the keeping of it, or, sadly, the lacking of it. Depending upon personal perspective, your idea of peace may be similar to one of the five useages of the word “peace” listed in most dictionaries in order of popularity. It is noteworthy that the first, hence most popular, definition listed is “the absence of war or other hostilities” while the useage that ranks last is “inner contentment; serenity: peace of mind.” Could it be that if we elevate – through consciousness raising -- the most popular understanding of peace to being “inner contentment,” then we would be much closer to achieving the actual “absence of war or other hostilities” that now dominates the useage of the word peace?”
This question raises memories of my own struggle toward embracing peace on parallel paths, both personal and political. As a young person, I found it difficult not to act upon local and global injustices. After all, how could I be at peace with myself knowing that others are being hurt or oppressed? I couldn't imagine the power in praying for peace at that time. So as activists, we marched, wrote letters, took meetings and, ironically, used the words fighting for peace again and again. I came to see how many people on both sides of any issue actually enjoyed a good fight, drew energy from their righteous point of view, and ultimately missed opportunities to find a peaceful resolution. For what would they do then? Who would they be? Would they still be important, powerful and revered?
Upon taking up more spiritual studies in my early thirties, I was still an activist. Yet I began to think about the world of politicians, ruling families and heads of corporations who have the really big issues on their desks, the issues that effect our very lives. At some point, in a world that loves to say “its nothing personal, ”I came to believe that most things are indeed personal, from wars based on political family vendettas to the courage of conscious individuals who change the policies of faceless corporations for the better. The simple teaching of so many spiritual leaders that “true peace begins within ”was finding a larger application in my activist world. Could seeking and practicing personal peace (not to be confused with feelings of religious righteousness, for that is another essay altogether) lead to greater political peace?
Perhaps. It takes a person of strong character and great resolve to choose peaceful action over a “good fight,” especially when the whole schoolyard is watching, so to speak Recent history tells us of only a few such leaders, and not surprisingly, they mostly were spiritual individuals. Their personal peace guided their decision-making process, leading to the magnificently positive, lasting and sweeping changes they made in the world. Imagine, where would civil rights in America be today had Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gotten caught up in winning city council squabbles rather than rising above to share his dream with the world?
The difficulty is that many politicians, ruling families and corporations do not possess the will to embrace peace on both levels at any cost. Winning (and making money) is king, and peace, well, they ask, what do you win with peace at the end of the day? It seems that somewhere along the way, peace has become a put down in politics, a silly pipe-dream, idealistic and naïve women's work. Peace is for sissys, they say. It's non-competitive, and stagnant; peace is simply maintained & kept like a good dog. Peace is boring, they think…but they would never dare say it aloud, for the supposed pursuit of it is so convenient and justifies so much.
After a decade-plus, seeking political peace was demoralizing to me; feelings of helplessness emerged from both being immersed in political activism and from watching the six o’clock news. At one point, I simply retired my efforts and began focusing on positivity within my own life, family and spirituality. Through my personal studies, I recognized that many of our greatest leaders' lives teach us that peace is not selfish. Their numbers show us that there is hope for advancement in political peace and justice in every new generation. Most importantly, they have shown us that for every one hundred mediocre individuals striving solely for personal power & profit, there is one magnificently spiritual individual emerging who can run circles around all of them…and be remembered for their contributions for much, much longer.
Stepping back from the activist brawls convinced me that the intention to seek personal peace is the very first step in allowing one’s magnificence to shine through all the doom and gloom. It shifts one’s energy, and sheds a more positive light. The greatest benefit is that a concerted effort to remain open to peaceful possibilities creates a supportive atmosphere for the emergence of other miraculous beings and potentially great leaders, be it you, your child, or that peace-loving politician that's got people talking about all the good things we can do together. Peace is not just out there, it must also be found here, in our hearts, where it resides very near to faith. One of our spiritual leaders recently said something to the effect that “war can only exist in the absence of faith,” an observation worthy of a some consideration in today's world of conflict.
And so, as my forties arrive, I'm a believer that inner contentment should rank higher in our useage of the word “peace,” or at least equally share the marquee with the idea of peace as “the absence of war or other hostilities.” They are, in fact, goals worthy of parallel pursuit, nourishing one another. These days, I balance my time between practicing a personal peace and acting toward a political peace. In this dual approach, it is faith that gives me the uplifting hope and belief I need to continue giving my personal time and energy in support of peace-loving leaders and individuals who truly walk their talk while acting in the interest of others. As we strive for peace together, I can assure you, we don't always know exactly where it's going, but, I promise you, it is never boring.
The United Nations has established an International Day of Peace to be observed every year on September 21st with moments of silence, activities and a worldwide cease-fire. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has asked all United Nations departments and agencies to expand their observance, extending a special invitation to civil society and highlighting the Minute of Silence at 12 noon. There are also special activities and events designed for the participation of school children around the world. To learn more about the International Day of Peace and participating organizations, please visit some of the following links: