"Stillpoint" is a documentary film-in-progress about a Zen meditation community of the same name near Santa Cruz. Filmmaker Penny Peyser initially approaches the community from a very mainstream POV, while trying to understand her own sister's choice to live in this way. Eventually, she spent 2 years with the community, filming on site, interviewing the members and the founder, Umi. The film is seeking post-production crowd-funding via Hatchfund, where donations are tax deductible. See the trailer and meet Penny at: Stillpoint.
The Ojai Foundation

What do you envision when you hear the word "community?" Your local neighborhood? A small town? A kibbutz? An eco-village or spiritual community? The very perception of community has radically changed with the introduction of the Internet, which is the ultimate cyber village. NAU, you can explore new ways of life and meet like-minded people via our cyber community links, some of them with real-world locations that you can visit.

The website for Auroville, India, and The Shri Aurobindo Society, gives information about the alternative living experiment, based on spiritual values. Planned as an international experimental township, Auroville was inspired by the evolutionary vision of Sri Aurobindo and founded by Mirra Alfassa, known as the Mother.
 The Findhorn Foundation, located in the northeast of Scotland, is at the heart of the UKÕs largest intentional community based on spiritual values. It is also a major centre of adult education where new ways of living that are appropriate for the world of today and tomorrow are developed through experimentation, practice and demonstration. It is a place where the ordinary becomes magical through living, working and learning together.
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